Thursday, August 25, 2011

An Update. A Quiet Season.

Does anyone even read here anymore?!

I haven't posted here in so long! I haven't had much to say, honestly. Of course, lots of things happening but just a season to be quiet. To grow. To take in life and changes and grace. Good things and necessary for widening my view of Jesus in every area of life. But I do miss posting photos, daily happenings around our house and life stuff. I forget much too quickly the sweet little things when I am not writing and documenting. Which is why I am opening a NEW BLOG. If you'd like to follow you are more than welcome to. We are definitely into the swing of a new season and back into life here in the States. Praise the Lord for his mercies. I can't say the season has been without it's challenges. And yet, we have never looked back since our decision to come home and God has affirmed and provided in too many ways to mention here.

I thank you - if your still following enough to read this - for your care toward my family.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


These two opposite girl cousins reunited has been precious...

One is a beautiful brown.
The other is a pretty peach.

One has curves and shape.
The other is lanky and long.

One is outgoing and goofy.
The other is shy and silly.

Both love playing babies together.
Both love clothes, shoes and dresses.
Both are daily reminders that grace comes in friendships.
It is sweet to see both together again, enjoying being opposites.

Notice their shoes? This is how I found them the other morning playing on the porch. Felicity had on the set of purple crocs and Elyse the set of pink jellies. Then they decided one shoe on each of them would fit just right. They thought this up on their own and doesn't it just go with all their other opposite ways? Their opposites couldn't fit more perfectly in cousins, I love it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Belly update.

I can't believe my baby is the size a sweet potato already! I obviously haven't even had time to post belly pics but I had to and let me tell you, this baby is growing! And I want to remember what was happening when with this pregnancy. Of course, we know little about this sweet babe yet but are hoping to see this little one and find out more in the next month. I had only had one ob appointment in Thailand at 7 weeks. I am 18 weeks and feeling pretty good. I am really tired but I think thats just from moving across the world and readjusting to life! I have also had more nausea with this pregnancy than the others. That has mostly tapered off and since we've been back I haven't seemed to have any problems eating Bojangles :) I would say I've just had cravings for foods with intense flavors like hot sauce on lots of things, cheese and olives and vinegar potato chips. Felicity saw my belly the other day and said "wow mom! I can see your baby sticking out there!" and I overhear the boys telling their cousins that mom's baby is as big as a orange now. It's so sweet that they are so excited too. I am truly blessed to be pregnant with this little life and as things get more normal for us here I anticipate planning and preparing more for baby #4. I have already started a cloth diaper stash from craigslist and can't wait to see if we are looking out for a boy name or a girls this go around - naming is one of the funnest parts of pregnancy for me.

Here's the belly shots...

14 weeks and a few days. Taken before we came back home:

17 weeks:
Decreasing lap picture:

18 weeks:

Friday, May 13, 2011

Odd blogger problems.

I had created a long update on our lives since we've been back entitled "hanging on and looking up". I posted it two days ago but for some reason it's gotten swallowed up in the blogsphere. It's missing. Hopefully it will return sometime soon as I always write to bare my soul and my journey on here! But for those of you who missed it, the tall and short of it was that God has been exceedingly kind to draw us near and encourage our hearts in our return. We have felt so much affirmation upon coming back that this is indeed where the Lord has us and where we can honor His priorities for family life. I feel the life being breathed back into my weary heart and anticipate true transformation as I keep processing the last year of my life at the feet of my Savior. We look forward to lots of growing and refreshment in the days ahead even amidst the difficulties that come with starting over.

My other post revealed that I don't know how often I'll post on here and plan to close it sometime soon. For those who want to stay in touch my email is:

Like I said - hopefully my post will reappear! Thanks for lifting us up and loving on our family through this season...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Good News & The Bad News.

So sorry I've just been missing in action around here the past few weeks. There's good reason. I don't quite know how to share this news so I'll just try to share my heart and as always what Dad is doing in the midst of my life. It's all I can do, right? So...we will be heading back to the States in just a short time.
This probably comes as a real shock. But this has been brewing for some time now. The main reason is that I feel I can't focus on the needs of my family like I think the Lord wants me to. This job of being here, and being an "employee" has had some real challenges to doing homeschooling, homemaking and being a wife and mother WELL. And I say well because I believe God's word when it tells me my job is serious stuff and it's to revolve around my husband and children in this season of little ones.

Titus 2:4-5 says:
"These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the Word of God."
And 1 Timothy 5:14
" marry, bear children, and take care of their own homes. and give the enemy no no occasion for reproach. "

I can clearly see that a woman's core (or primary or main) job should be caring for her family and giving them her best, not her leftovers. If she does not do this well, it actually brings shame on the Word of God. And gives the Devil a chance to slander it. Now this doesn't mean she can't do things outside the home, take on other tasks or work on language study. Please hear me on this. But it should mean that these things should not misdirect her greatest energy or care away from the sphere of the man and little people she was fit to help/serve. We can clearly see the Proverbs 31 women was busy! But her home and managing that well guided her tasks and filtered them.

Some women are able to find more balance, have less expected of them or choose not to school at home. And for us, schooling is not an area where our family has felt directed to change anything, as our passion for schooling at home for the little years remains strong. But for me - in my personal situation and with moving overseas, and with my children's ages alongside the specific requirements I have while being employed here has hindered my care for my family. I have re-ordered schedules many times, reduced my language hours as much as I'm able for the expectations upon me, and aimed to throw my heart into my family. But alas, with homeschooling two next year and adding another sweet baby I know my world will look even fuller (and I'm thrilled about all that). I will be the first to be honest enough to say I'm not okay with sacrificing that season because I'm trying to stay afloat with things I believe are far too heavy for a season of young mothering. God gave mothers the powerful description above to guard their minds from looking elsewhere, to ease their loads. And to give them boundaries with which to pour in all of their creativity, gifting, care and heart into the season of shaping little people who will grow up and be gone before they know it. I have had to remember that He is the one who designs me as a woman and sees how I will fit best in His economy. I can't go outside His design, even for "good things" and expect the same results. And one day (soon enough I know) my "free" time will return, I will have so much more time to devote to language study or relationships or crafting. These are all good, even glorious things that bring the Lord honor. But I must have them in the proper order. For me, they can't remain in proper order if we remain here.

Letting those words just typed sink hurts to even say that because I so wish it would work. I say that with heart wrenching sadness because I've enjoyed life here. I love the people here. I never thought this would be our situation, leaving so early. I've learned so many things walking near the Lord here and seeing with such different eyes than I had back in my comfortable United States. That's why I named this post The Good News and The Bad News. Because this feels like bad news no matter how you slice this thing and it's hard, really hard. Yet my family has felt such leadership from a loving God in this decision. We have desired to bring Him glory in the way He chooses, we have sought counsel from our leadership and taken our time to map out our vision for healthy family life. We have arrived at this choice with much confidence that as we stand upon God's Word and trust His provision we "will see the Lord's goodness while we are here." (Ps. 27:13) And that is Good News! We are broken, needy sinners who can't possibly see to the end of every outcome. We can't possibly plan for years and keep ourselves afloat. We are weak. We are people who need a Rescuer in every sense of the word. And God remains true to us, just as true as the day our last item was sold and driven away in preparation to come here. I see Him in all of it and praise Him that He alone can get glory from things that feel broken and seem broken.

We leave with no shame or regret but we do leave feeling like people who are torn over their reality of living in a broken world where things don't turn out as you expected. I have dwelt upon Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world."

Thanks for wanting to always keep up with us, sharing this journey with us and I pray you've heard our hearts through this post...Please keep our family in your prayers.