Friday, July 30, 2010

Slices of life.

Here's a slice of my life... An observation I have from living here : Old people here are in great shape. I see them out walking all the time and they have all these old people think they are for kids at first but nope. They are for elderly people to work out with - monkey-bars, things to stretch and climb on, etc. I watched a lady recently walk by one and throw her leg over the edge for a pretty deep stretch (she was probably 70!). I've seen them out in the mornings or evenings do Tai Chi. The woman below was in my courtyard laying these out - I think they are some type of leaf. Not sure. I'll investigate and get back with you. She spread them out to dry in the sun all day.

This lady (as others do) walks around our apartment courtyard to hang her laundry. She finds a good tree and like any flexible, healthy old woman ...
Tries to climb it and tie her rope around. She is successful.
I would never have seen this in my apartment courtyard back in the States!