Last night something big happened to you. A milestone you could call it. You lost another tooth! That marks 3 so far...
Sometimes I look at you and remember well the days when you were so little, and I wondered who you would be at 6, when you were losing teeth. I felt so responsible to shape you and be there every moment of your sweet little life.
Now your a energetic little boy with a big heart. You love legos, drawing pictures and having "quiet time" with your Bible. A boy who loves to make others belly laugh. Who loves to serve and help. Who is still learning what it means to fully obey.
In a lot of ways we grew up together, you and I. God has used you to teach me so much about His grace, His patience and His gifts. Even now I have to remind myself that you are His and not mine.
For now, I will watch with suspense to see who you will be. I have a front row seat.
And for now, I will pray and teach and instruct and listen and of course, struggle to do all those perfectly. But what better way to show you the gospel? I am a struggler too, son. I am still learning what it means to fully obey. We both need the same grace, from God and each other, each moment. But it's a beautiful life when we have this grace, isn't it?
I love you and want to pinch myself sometimes when I realize, I get to be your mom?!
Your Mommy
Before losing #3...after getting a "daddy" haircut as well: