Sunday, February 6, 2011

Learning from my kids.

The kids and I started C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia books this weekend. I read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe last year with Job but now all three are very intrigued ... so we begin again, hoping to all see things in a new light and learn. I often find the Lord speaks to my heart in the middle of my parenting, from the way I interact with my children or the things they are learning themselves. I love this part of parenting, how we take the position of humility and see the Lord in fresh ways through our children's lives. And how freeing it is to me that I never come to this parenting thing having learned it all but am certainly in process right along with them.

As we began at the part when we start to read about the White Witch speaking with Edmund, Phin started to cover his ears. I asked him if he was scared but he said no, that he was just preparing himself for the bad White Witch. He uncovered them and continued to listen with intent. Then later on when we arrived to the part where Beaver tells them "They say Aslan is on the move - perhaps already landed", there spread a huge smile over Phin's face and he exclaimed "Yeah!!! I just love that Aslan, He's so much bigger than the Witch! He's going to get her!".

I love how little moments with your kids teach your own heart. I should often remember how much bigger Aslan is than the lies the enemy whispers or the defeat I can feel from a world of sin. He is at work and He's already defeated the worst of my enemies, though the battle feels vulnerable. May I be as excited as my boy was when he realized "Aslan was on the move"...

Can't wait to see what else we learn together as we read these books!